Click on the name of each Autonomous Communities to view the monthly changes, calculated over the same month of the last year.

Spain: Sheep\'s milk prices (€/L)
Autonomous Communities Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average price ± %
Jan-Dec 2022
Andalusia 1,510 1,498 1,434 1,380 1,352 1,351 1,402 1,415 1,561 1,640 1,735 1,634 1,511 +29.31%
Aragona 1,240 1,254 1,209 1,210 1,214 1,203 1,223 1,314 1,366 1,411 1,440 1,417 1,303 +23.58%
Asturie - - 1,440 1,420 1,399 1,333 - - - - - - 1,398 +20.62%
Cantabria 1,240 0,869 1,136 1,130 1,130 1,171 1,199 1,212 1,238 1,262 1,587 1,536 1,254 +21.59%
Castiglia e Leòn 1,370 1,373 1,290 1,250 1,260 1,255 1,374 1,400 1,618 1,700 1,745 1,524 1,454 +34.18%
Castiglia - La Mancia 1,820 1,763 1,654 1,710 1,705 1,717 1,756 1,788 1,956 2,037 2,140 2,091 1,867 +39.75%
Canarie 1,010 1,030 1,040 1,030 1,032 1,049 1,094 1,111 1,130 1,105 1,065 1,055 1,063 +8.31%
Catalogna 1,540 1,556 1,551 1,540 1,541 1,552 1,580 1,615 1,570 1,573 1,567 1,536 1,561 +2.35%
Estremadura 1,430 1,373 1,301 1,260 1,289 1,302 1,379 1,413 1,560 1,577 1,646 1,526 1,439 +27.58%
Murcia 1,470 1,447 1,403 1,390 1,364 1,382 1,466 1,521 1,654 1,732 1,793 1,744 1,551 +31.77%
Madrid 1,440 1,378 1,289 1,260 1,280 1,292 1,390 1,430 1,658 1,684 1,772 1,609 1,481 +28.94%
Navarra 1,220 1,229 1,212 1,240 1,250 1,262 1,301 1,320 1,391 1,469 1,515 1,413 1,334 +22.87%
Paesi Baschi 1,150 1,181 1,170 1,210 1,270 1,328 1,433 1,451 1,504 1,559 745,745 1,396 115,857 > +1000.00%
La Rioja 1,310 1,383 1,282 1,230 1,238 1,247 1,366 1,363 1,428 1,593 835,335 1,659 129,674 > +1000.00%
Valencia 1,580 1,506 1,433 1,420 1,401 1,392 1,347 1,453 1,713 1,820 1,831 1,820 1,581 +34.20%
Average price 2023 1,535 1,512 1,412 1,400 1,406 1,408 1,495 1,525 1,722 1,813 1,890 1,750 1,597  
% Change * +34.8% +36.5% +34.9% +35.7% +38.2% +31.2% +29.1% +27.8% +35.4% +35.7% +38.0% +30.6%    

* YOY Change
Source: FEGA